Polyfeld 1 Secondary II schools, 4132 Muttenz
Bau- und Umweltschutzdirektion des Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Liestal

Renovation, conversion and new building
Renovation of existing buildings as well as conversions and new buildings for the vocational schools.
Planning 2018-2019

The consolidation of both vocational schools in Muttenz/Pratteln and Liestal is based on two principles: inward structural density and links to the existing public green space that serves as a recreation area for both the school and the local district. The new canteen and media centre, offset in the direction of the terrace, provide easy access between the terrace and park via a large flight of outdoor steps. A circular stairway with steps you can sit on marks the main entrance. The transparent façade of the new main building embodies openness and encourages dialogue. The building’s crowning glory is the striking triple sports hall.