Rütlihof residential and commercial development, Effretikon
in progress
Einfache Gesellschaft «Effretikon 2» c/o R.Fuchs AG

New building
The "Rütlihof" residential and commercial development is being built on the site to the east of Effretikon railway station, arranged in a U-shape with a total of 48 Freehold flats.
Planning 2019-2021 / Construction 2021-2024

The "Rütlihof" forms the prelude to the urban new-build neighbourhood of Effretikon Ost. The U-shaped building with a total of 48 condominiums opens up to the south. At the centre is a green inner courtyard as part of the public space. This is emphasised by the commercial uses on the ground floor. Office space is located in the north-west corner of the building. The upper floors of the other parts of the building are reserved for residential use. The flats are characterised by an open circular layout. They are mostly orientated on two sides and have a loggia. Access to the flats is via the courtyard, while access to the commercial area is via the street.
In the façade, the plinth area mediates between the building and the public spaces at street and courtyard level. Pilaster strips and cornices structure the wall surfaces and emphasise the urban character of the development.